Australia's Largest Diverse Marketing Agency

Top Languages Spoken in Australia

More than 5.5 million people in Australia speak a language other than English at home according to the 2021 Census. This is an increase of almost 800,000 compared to the 2016 Census. The top six languages spoken in Australia are shown below. 







IDENTITY. Building social cohesion and unlocking the value of Australia's diversity.

IDENTITY WINS 2021 PMCA – Outstanding Campaign of the Year.

A campaign to inform new new migrants about of Tax and Super in Australia wins top awards at PMCA (NSW Premier’s Multicultural Communications Awards). The campaign won the Business Campaign of the Year and impressed the judges so much that they also created a new category, awarding the campaign the Judge’s Choice – Outstanding Campaign of the Year. The Awards were given to ATO, UM and IDENTITY Communications. 

The PMCAs is a national award that recognises best practice in multicultural marketing and media.


One in three people in Sydney speak a language other than English at home.


The top 10 languages (other than English) spoken in Sydney account for almost 3 in 5 of the non-English speaking population.


Seven in 10 residents in the Fairfield local government area speak a language other than English.


The increase in Punjabi speakers between 2016 and 2021. Punjabi is now the 5th most spoken language other than English in Australia.

Top 10 Local Government Areas ranked by percentage of the population who speak a language other than English at home.

  • Fairfield (NSW) 70% 70%
  • Cumberland (NSW) 66% 66%
  • Strathfield (NSW) 66% 66%
  • Greater Dandenong (VIC) 65% 65%
  • Burwood (NSW) 63% 63%
  • Canterbury-Bankstown (NSW) 59% 59%
  • Brimbank (VIC) 58% 58%
  • Parramatta (NSW) 57% 57%
  • Liverpool (NSW) 54% 54%
  • Georges River (NSW) 53% 53%

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